
No business without a mission. A mission provides direction, drives people and makes the impossible possible. Look to the side of this page to find out what drives Triggered Emotions.

We bring a smile to the world! We want to allow people and companies to express their emotions in a unique and surprising way. Our ambition is to bring smiles to faces across the globe.

We know how!

We do this by equipping gifts, greeting cards and other modes of communication with light, sound and other, extremely innovative, electronic applications. The addition of these concepts increases and lengthens the emotional value of the interaction between companies and/or people during the moment of giving.

We have everything we need!

Working in a team allows us to combine our innovative products with creative content, market knowledge, personal development, product knowledge and plenty of practical experience with the international manufacturing industry. It means we can provide our customers with a large competitive advantage.

We will lead the way!

Triggered Emotions provides online and offline publishers, retailers, distributors and MarCom professionals with hands-on, personal support. From idea to successful product launch.

There's strength in numbers!

This means we can grow with our clients, that we can become the best and that we can exceed our staff's and shareholders' expectations.